
AFR Property Summit โ€“ A Summary


Last week propertyโ€™s most influential leaders and insiders gathered to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing the property sector. Hereโ€™s the result.


Government has identified a need to build 1.2 million new homes by 2027 to meet demand yet the common consensus was weโ€™ll achieve less than half that number due to both supply side and demand side factors.


Supply Challenges:

  • Zoning/planning rules constrain dwelling height, density and relevance.
  • Infrastructure (transport, schools, shops, recreation) is inadequate in the areas we could and should build more homes.
  • Materials are still expensive and in short supply.
  • Man power is inadequate โ€“ some estimate we are short 500,000 construction related employees.
  • Finance is challenging, funding costs are high.


Demand Challenges:

  • Withholding tax/foreign buyer surcharge have squashed foreign investment retarding appetite for new development.
  • Interest rates/inceased holding costs for investors have reduced appetite.
  • Rising government contributions for developers add significantly to the end cost of new homes.

In the words of BIS Oxford Economics: new homes will be built, but not as many as the Federal government hopes.


In the meantime, Sydney and the rest of Australia will endure a housing crisis which will only mean one thing: rising prices.


Thatโ€™s all for this week. If you have any questions, please do get in touch.


You can book a call with me here.



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